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Central Oregon Partnership Image
A key strength of the central Oregon Community Action Teams (CATs) is their partnership with one another. Such allliances make the organization more attractive to the public, community-of-interest partners, and volunteers.
 Design Goals
Even though each CAT has its own logo, all the approved logos have a family look. The Partnership’s logo is comprised of three components: the “circle of hands” mark, the organization name, and the “Breaking Cycles of Poverty” tag line.
CAT logos are also comprised of three components: a unique mark, the organization name, and “A Member of the Central Oregon Partnership” tag line.
Partnership Logos
Family of Logos


< Brand >
13 of 17

13. Partnership Logos

14. PowerHouse logo

15. Pozzi-CPA Logo

16. Unboxed Animated Logo

17. Vista Business Center Logo

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